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How to wear: Tragevarianten für unsere Baumwolltücher

How to wear: How to wear our cotton towels

April 11, 2019

Let me wrap you up! That's exactly what our slogan is ;-) It's not uncommon for us to get the answer from you that you would like to wear our shawls and giant scarves in different ways. Model Nadine used the sunny beginning of spring to show you how to wrap our hand-woven cotton towels properly. For example, my favorite is the variant of styling the scarf with a belt. Which look do you like best?

The first days of spring can still be really cool, especially in the mornings and evenings. The giant scarf does a good job here. Nadine wears the version with a loop and an elegant double knot. Here the scarf is doubled and the two fringed ends are pulled through the resulting loop. This look also works really well with elegant business outfits.

Here you can see my favorite look. With a belt - loosely knotted at the waist - you can style the scarf like a top. Makes summer dresses suitable for spring!

Easy chic, wear the scarf thrown loosely over your shoulders as a stole.

And then split the two ends 1/3 and 2/3 and throw the long end over your shoulder with a flourish! Another look is done!

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